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Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Define Success?!
According to Wikipedia Success is
Seem pretty simple isn't it to define Success in these terms. So you take this simple terms to every single person, then EVERYONE is a Success!! "You're the Sperm that is the Harder, Better, Stronger & managed to penetrate the Ovum" = What does this mean? It means were are made Successful from the day we were born.

Can we say that failure is what we defined it as it is? Then again without failures we won't be a success rite? So can we conclude that Failure = Success?

Did you know a sperm fails a lot times before they can actually penetrate and with the right opportunity and right timing it is the successful one? I feel I really learned the most during this past 12 months compared to the rest of the years. In my existing job, I remembered one of Rico Tan's phrase, he said if someone is just a little better than you, he is better than you. There goes what PhilipKhor is talking about, what is the difference between No 1 and No 2?

Opportunities don't come easy. A lot people ask me why do we study so hard or even bother to study? I tell them simple, though we don't use 90% of what we study it improves the way we think, the way we handle problems and increases our potential for something greater.

Imagine eg. if you were destined to be a super great scientist but you didn't even bother to study for your science exams (you never know if you're even good or not good at it , can't prove your worth because you didn't even give your best). The potential or chance for greater purpose is then limited. Be Daring to FAIL and be WILLING to learn as much as you can.

I've learned a sure lot from my dad. Why do I mention him because he is really someone I put my pride in (never told him, didn't make it look like that). Though sometimes, I do find he can be quite extreme and unreasonable but I still love him and if I be tolerant and stand in his shoes I can understand him. Time to time when people ask him to do under-table things he chose to hold his Integrity (not resolving to peer pressure). I remember what he always tell his staff or me - Do your best in your job/role don't try to be lazy (tau lan) when you are working, you might be doing a simple task/job and if you keep showing you're good, people will give you opportunity. If he knows people who wants to give opportunity, he promotes it to his staff and encourages them to move on for the better (unlike others I see they just want to hold you back from opportunities).

Sometimes when we cannot see an opportunity, we actually miss it and if we are not careful it might not even be a opportunity. In end of day principles are very important eg humility, love. Few months back my dad was given lots of opportunities eg there was one that if he worked at it in 2 years time he would have accumulated 5 million but you know what, he chose not take it. Due to principles and promises he didn't take it up. I'm trying to say Timing vs Opportunity is everything. He just want to be able to spend more time with the family, continue to have a good health and value what is more important in this world.

What is a factor we cannot control? It is time. We can exchange time for money, health and everything else but tell me, what can you exchange for time? Today even in business world sometimes it is not how rich you are is how fast you can become rich.

Do you know why I love businesses? The fact of using the Theory of Leveraging. My view is simple everyone has 24 hours. Eg: If I'm good in something and I train A, B, C to be the same as me and they work for an hour. Then I already cheated on time I have 27 hours because I leverage 3 hours on A B C. So it goes on and on, if I ask A, B and C to duplicate eventually I have plenty of time and a continuous incoming cash flow. According to 4 quadrants of Robert Kiyosaki, Big business = 1000 staff. So imagine, if you have 1000 staff, each just work for an hour there you go you have 1000 hours in your hand. I sleep, eat, play and someone is doing my/your job. Yes you can't exchange anything for Time but you can make more efficient use of TIME.

Mind my drawing I used Open Office. My view of doing a business plan.

Eg = You see the Market for food at that time is not so good, so McD use the right timing to release a idea (could be old or new) and McD execute it with speed the RM5.99 plan.

- Sometimes we don't see the problem till we actually face the problem
- We learn everyday but learn most from mistakes (I used this theory on learning sometimes. Eg I go purposely find the ways I can fail and from it I realize how to beat the system)
- Be thankful for how successful you are today, you were BLESSED
- Timing is everything eg: like in relationships, if you said the right thing at the right time it works
- Market vs Timing vs Speed execution of Business plans is important
- Like a lot oldies song, in the end all that matters is Love (principles and values)
- Everyone is deemed successful and how we make out of it is how we define it
- If today you fail, learn to get back up and not use ways to give yourself excuse to give up (eg. suicide)
- Not many people can understand the potential of networking or business, it's all good to lessen the number of competitors in the market
- Your potential is limited the minute you say YOU KNOW or YOU CHOSE NOT TO LEARN ANYMORE.

Ps: You see in the past, I don't think I will even share this things. From the blogging experience I think if you see my oldest post to now I've learn to express more on my blog. Then again now of days my posts get longer. Thanks to those who've been following me on my blog posts and especially for the encouragements on msn, chatbox, emails, calls in the recent months and I'm glad that some of my posts do inspire you all.

Few hours after I post this I realised TED posted a video on success. COINCIDENCE here goes below.

Have a passion for it. Work for it (practice). Be creative on ideas by listening, observing, being curious, asking more questions and solving problems. Focus on things at hand. Persist to fail and simply persist in everything. Be good at what you plan to do. Push yourself for improvement everyday. Aim to serve.

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